Prayer Requests  - JULY  17,  2024

NEW This Week

Dave Russell and family in prayer

Lenny Bishop (brother in law of  the Copelands) - passed July 11.  Keep Tammy, his wife and the Copelands in your prayers

Wendy Wolf - has bells palsy

Joyce White - some health issues and testing being done

Karen Gearhart's daughter, Andrea - her In-Law's home burned to the ground while on vacation

Rosemary Finnigen - Pat Boord's friend - taken to ER -has covid and heart working at 25%

ALL allergy sufferers!


Sandy Boothby - Geri Turner's sister - in hospital - not doing what Dr. is  prescribing

Lance - the Skroptis son-in-law, bitten by brown recluse

Myron Miller - (brother in law of the Copelands)  - back in hospital with severe heart and health issues

Stephanie Madden - Rochelle's step-sister - suffering from kidney failure - starting dialysis.

Tom Robertson - Joey's friend - Has tumor/cancer in his lungs - chemo is starting

Bob - Joni Hoffman's brother - praise - he is at home recovering!

Barb Mutigli - her brother-in-law - in heart failure - nothing the Drs. can do.

Martin Family - has a niece has paralyzed intestine, needs transplant

Catherine O'Brien - Lou Gehrig disease

Jon Slayden - scheduled surgery (Aug 24) for knee surgery

Sarah Phipps - Holbrook's granddaughter -starting stronger chemo now for every three weeks - possible surgery in the fall

Pastor Mike Harmon - inflamation of the eyes - 

Renee Piatt - will have hip surgery in August 1 at Mercy

Tanya - Kay Salinas' cousin - cancer has come back

Dale Skropits - Lewy Body Parkinsons - getting worse

Richard Mutigli - declining , loosing a lot of weight

Dominic Pope - MS

Mayrita Mann - severe asthma


Dimitri Pope- in active battle fighting for our country

Jimmy Leonard - will be going to Africa

Homebound Members

Gene Esaly - 4226 Chester Ave.  Louisville OH 44641

Susie Eckard - 1233 Dougherty Pl. NW. Canton OH 44703

Jim Boord - 6131 Utility St. Louisville OH 44641

Bob Slutz - 2415 S. Linden Ave, Alliance, OH 44601

Catherine O'Brien - 2173 Sunray Circle - Alliance, OH 44601